No Reservations
類 型:愛情
片 長:1時43分
導 演:【鋼琴師】導演史考特希克
演 員:【芝加哥】凱薩琳麗塔瓊斯、【銘謝吸煙】亞倫艾克哈特、【小太陽的願望】艾碧貝絲琳、【非關女孩】派翠西亞克拉森
而當率性的二廚被邀請加入團隊,凱特的完美主義面臨考驗。自豪無約束的尼克帕爾門(亞倫艾克哈特飾) 像是一顆閃耀的廚藝之星般,喜歡在工作的時候聽歌劇,讓身邊的同事能盡情地在愉悅的情緒與氣氛下工作,他的生活方式和料理幾近與凱特大不同。但不可否認的,他們之間卻像觸電般地產生些微變化,如同刀叉在冷酷無情的工作平台上發出鏗鏘的聲音有種不協調的感覺。
No Reservations (film)
Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is a master chef who lives her life like she runs the kitchen at the upscale Greenwich Village restaurant, 22 Bleecker: with an intensity that intimidates everyone around her. Her boss, Paula (Patricia Clarkson), believes she is too serious and not able to express her emotional states. Because of this, she jokingly enlists Kate in therapy, otherwise she will fire her if she chooses not to comply. More at ease behind the scenes, she unwillingly leaves the kitchen's sanctuary only to accept compliments from a regular diner or, on rare occasions, to tangle with a customer who questions her expertise. To rest her nervousness and sometimes anger, she takes host in the kitchen freezer. Most nights find her in bed before midnight, set to rise at dawn to beat her competition to the fish market for the next day's freshest selections.
When her sister is killed in an car accident, her niece, Zoe, (Abigail Breslin) unexpectedly comes to live with her. Mourning constantly about her sister's death during work, Paula orders Kate to take a week off. When she returns she realizes Paula has subsituted a partner for her job, the brash, high-spirited sous-chef Nicholas Palmer (Aaron Eckhart). To calm Zoe's depression from her mother, Kate brings her along to the restaurant on certain nights. As time passes, Kate is unsure what bothers her more — that Nick's talent scores with 22 Bleecker's owner Paula and its discriminating clientèle, or that his easygoing charm quickly wins over the shy Zoe, who finds it easier to open up to him than to her aunt. Unfortunately, Zoe refuses to eat anything Kate puts on the table and she is surprised when she sees her eating some of Nick's famous noodles from a recipe his grandmother taught him.
One afternoon, Kate forgets to pick up Zoe from school and to make it up to her, Kate invites Nick over for dinner on Zoe's request. During the dinner, when Zoe is sleeping, Kate and Nick express their feelings for each other and kiss. As weeks pass, the three spend much time together and Kate and Nick's relationship goes on. When Nick challenges the boundary between rivalry and romance, Kate finds herself questioning her many professional and personal beliefs that she has always embraced while also faced with difficult choices regarding Zoe's future.
After discovering that her boss was going to replace her with Nick, Kate quarrels with him and he quits. Later, Kate learns that Nick had declined the head chef's job. Without Nick visiting, Zoe starts to miss her mother more and runs away. Kate calls Nick, and they search for Zoe, finding her at the cemetery by her mother's grave.
After seeing them home, Nick tells Kate that he accepted a job in San Francisco. They part, and Kate returns to work at the restaurant, but quits after being unable to tolerate an unreasonable customer (merely complaining about an assumed non-rare steak). She goes to see Nick and tells him that she cannot bear for him to leave. They get together and open a new restaurant, with Zoe helping out.
- Catherine Zeta-Jones ..... Kate Armstrong
- Aaron Eckhart ..... Nicholas "Nick" Palmer
- Abigail Breslin ..... Zoe
- Patricia Clarkson ..... Paula
- Jenny Wade ..... Leah
- Bob Balaban .... Therapist
- Brían F. O'Byrne .... Sean
- Lily Rabe ..... Bernadette
- Jeanne Omlor.... Gigi The Waitress
更多有關No Reservations
衣著打扮也是讓我相當喜歡的另一個部分,簡單俐落的服裝、自然又舒服的髮型也都是我相當嚮往的。不用花大把時間在整理衣服、決定髮型上,就這樣很自然與從容的生活。生活態度方面,做菜聽歌劇沒有滿頭大汗以及急躁的感覺,取而代之的是閒適享受做飯與吃飯這件事;端著咖啡杯也搭配音樂....所有的一切都是那麼輕鬆。KATE對於工作的專業與堅持也是我相當欣賞的,專心在工作上,堅持在工作付出全力,做足工作的準備,工作結束後享受和放鬆於自我的家庭生活之中。KATE與ZOE的枕頭大戰與電影陪伴的畫面、KATE端著自己親手做的食物給NICK維持簡單的情感、NICK、KATE這與ZOE三個人一起在帳棚內玩pick up與吃點心的那些以及最後結局三人的店面動人畫面,都picture出我所嚮往的生活就這麼如此的簡單及擁有自我的價值。